
اطلاعات "Enter"فشار دادن

  • تاریخ انتشار : 1394/02/22 - 09:54
  • بازدید : 3300
  • تعداد بازدید : 60
  • زمان مطالعه : 3 دقیقه
مركز تحقيقات ويروس شناسي، مجري دو طرح ملي

انجام دو طرح ملي ايران در مركز تحقيقات ويروس شناسي

مركز تحقيقات ويروس شناسي، مجري دو طرح ملي براي عوامل منتقله از راه جنسي در زنان آسيب پذير جامعه و افراد مراجعه كننده به كلينيك هاي STI شده است.

  seyed alireza nadjiدكترسيد عليرضا ناجي (دکترای ویروس شناسی پزشکی) رييس آزمايشگاه ويروس شناسي مسيح

دكترسيد عليرضا ناجي (دکترای ویروس شناسی پزشکی) رييس آزمايشگاه ويروس شناسي مسيح دانشوري و مركز تحقيقات ويروس شناسي، عنوان كرد اين مركز، مجري دو طرح ملي براي عوامل منتقله از راه جنسي در زنان آسيب پذير جامعه و افراد مراجعه كننده به كلينيك هاي STI شده است. اين دو طرح ملي از طرف دفتر مبارزه با ايدز و بيماريهاي منتقله از راه جنسي ،اداره كنترل بيماريهاي واگيردار و با پشتوانه مالي از صندوق جمعيت سازمان بين المللي (UNFPA) به مركز تحقيقات ويروس شناسي واگزار شده است. دكتر ناجي اضافه كرد، در اين دو طرح ملي مركز تحقيقات ويروس شناسي واقع در پژوهشكده سل و بيماريهاي ريوي، مجري قسمت تشخيص ملكولي عوامل منتقله از راه جنسي مي باشد. آزمايشگاه ويروس شناسي مسيح دانشوري كه آزمايشگاه رفرانس ويروس پاپيلوما مي باشد در اين دو طرح بررسي كننده حدود 3400 نمونه از سراسر ايران خواهد بود

The VRC Selected as the First Referral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Lab at the National Level

The laboratory of the Virology Research Center (VRC) has been selected as the first referral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Laboratory at the national level of Iran. The selection has been done by the Referral Laboratory of the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education (MHTME).

While noting to the first history of performing HPV tests in 2008, Doctor Seyed Alireza Nadji, the director of the VRC said: "Though the HPV is the main cause of numerous cancers including cancers of airway passages, lung, breast, and more important than them, the sexual and dermatological warts; it has not been listed among the infections under care coverage of the Ministry of Health. Therefore, the VRC suggested the establishment of the referral lab at the same year, which was approved at the time."

Nadji further added: "Since 2009, and in line with the establishment of the HPV International Network offered by the WHO, and the correspondences of the WHO with the MHTME in evaluating the condition and screening of HPV in Iran, the outlook toward the HPV which had to be covered by the MHTME became more serious, so the referral lab for HPV was established and finally our lab was appointed to begin HPV diagnosis."

Naji also continued: "At that time, the MHTME Cancer Office offered the national screening as well as determining the HPV genotypes in Iran, and with more visits paid by the Referral Health Lab, it was decided to select MASIH DANESHVARI VIROLOGY LABORATORY, to initiate the molecular section of the project, and the Pathology Department of the Comprehensive Female Hospital was chosen for performing Pop Smear Test and Thin Prep Test."

"In this project, 5500 HPV samples were extracted from females of 11 provinces in Iran which was completed six months ago and its results are accessible at the MHTME Cancer Office." nadji also noted. Doctor Nadji.AL also mentioned that "masih daneshvari virology laboratory", has participated in the Efficiency International Tests which have been presented by the HPV International Networ."

As for the tasks of the first HPV laboratory at the national level, Nadji explained: "The HPV International Network has invented a specific method for genotyping the HPV, and we have to follow them so our results would be in line with the WHO standards."

The director of the papilloma laboratory considered the planning for using HPV vaccine as a must and said: "Decision making about whether or not to use the vaccine, the method of usage, the time of usage, etc. are all among the other tasks put forth by the VRC." He finally said that the serologic tests for identifying the HPV antibody have been performed which can be very crucial in sero-epidemiological studies; and the WHO is willing to reach the standards of the HPV vaccine; therefore, the VRC Lab has to be active in the field as well.

. برگرفته از سايت : www.vrc.sbmu.ac.ir http://vrc.sbmu.ac.ir

  • گروه خبری : ویروس شناسی
  • کد خبر : 19684
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